How to Draw Tigress

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Begin this first step by drawing out an egg shape for her head, and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the upper body and draw out the arms as well. When that is all set, just draw in the leg limb lines like so.


Okay, now begin sketching out the shape of her actual head, and be sure to make the bumps for her ears which are pointed back. Next, draw out the eyes and then draw her left arm and hand which looks very chunky or rounded.


Before you add more detailing inside of her face, draw the right arm and hand like so, and then sketch out the shape of her torso and bottom half which is her legs. Draw the long curled tail, and then sketch in her nose, mouth, and eyeballs like you    


Now you will begin adding a lot more detailing and definition to her body. First thing is first, sketch out the shirt opening like so, and then add the colored or darken lines for the buttons. Add her paw pads, and some claws or nails, and then sketc   


Draw the rest of the tiger patterns on the top of her head, and along the right side of her face. When that is done draw in the lines for the wrapped portion of her legs, and then add the stripes to her tail. Draw in the toes, and clawed nails, and t   


Here is what Tigress looks like when she is all done. Color her in and that's it. I hope you liked this tutorial on how to draw Tigress, step by step.

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November 17, 2010

Description: I don't know if any of you guys know yet, but there is going to be a sequel to the very popular Kung Fu Panda. Jack Black returns as the voice of Po, and according to producers, and critics, the second part to the original movie is supposed to be better than ever. I am going to upload one character a day from the awesomely hilarious film. All the voice actors return as their characters embark on another wonderful journey as Po seeks out a villain of great magnitude who is determined to take over China, and destroy everything about kung fu. Now that Po is finally living his lifelong dream as the Dragon Warrior, he must once again prove himself to the people that he is still great, and he is able to defeat a threat that will stop at nothing to conquer all of China. This tutorial is going to teach you how to draw Tigress", step by step. Now if you remember from the first flick, Master Tigress is one of the strongest of all Kung Fu masters. He is a hard shelled tiger that has an amazing amount of stamina, durability, and fearlessness. She too returns in part two with Angelina Jolie as her voice actress just like in part one. I had so much fun drawing her out, and to be completely honest with you, I can't believe I never uploaded her before. At least now you will have fun teaching yourself "how to draw Tigress" using an easy to follow tutorial that will put you on the right track to drawing greatness. I have to fly out of here for now, but as you know I will return with more drawing fun. Peace out people, and enjoy this lesson.

#how to draw kung fu panda characters
1 - Super Cool
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