How to Draw a Chibi Moon

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No guides are needed since this is a super simple drawing lesson. We will have the task of drawing a perfect circle leaving a couple gaps for the chibi moon's arms.


Next, draw in the face which consists of a couple simple shaped eyes and a cute U shaped smile. Add some blush marks onm the cheeks too.


Next, we will draw the cute chibi arms as well as the hands which are reaching up on the face making a bashful gesture. When that is done you are done.


Lastly, finish off the chibi moon by adding some simple crater shapes to add texture to the moon's surface. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made.


That's it. You are all done. Now you can color in this adorable version of the moon and be sure to rate, comment and share this and any lesson you come across while learning how to draw on

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March 13, 2019

Description: Hey guys. Welcome back to another fun filled lesson. I have for you a couple Moon inspired tuts today with the first being this one on how to draw a chibi moon, step by step. I can't get over the fact that I never did a lesson on a chibi moon. My whole family really enjoys the night sky and looking up at the stars and constellations. We will often bring out our telescope to check things out on warm summer nights. Since the warm weather is starting to creep up on us, I thought a fun, cute lesson on drawing a chibi moon would be something folks would enjoy. I had fun making this tut and I hope all of you enjoy learning from it as well. I shall return with another lesson so stick around people.

#how to draw moon #how to draw moons #draw moons #moon drawing #draw moon
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