How to Draw Leaves

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All leaves have veins, blades, midribs, and petioles which is also known to us as the stem. These different parts of the leaf are grown in the shape of the leaf. You can consider the ribs to be the guidelines or frame of the leaf. For each fall leaf,   


You will now tackle this step by sketching out the different shapes of them all. From point to end, these areas are called the blade of the leaf. Next draw the stems and or the petioles too.


All you have to do with step three is finish drawing out the stems and then draw the veins on each leaf you are drawing here today. There is no guidelines to erase because you utilized them all. Just move to the final step to see what your fall leave   


Here they are. You have just completed this lesson on "how to draw fall leaves step by step".

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October 8, 2009

Description: Fall is here and the trees are getting more and more beautiful each day before they completely fall off and become no more. I want to give you this third tutorial lesson that will teach you guys "how to draw leaves step by step”. I know what your thinking, “why on earth would you do a lesson on a bunch of leaves”? Well, leaves can be a very beautiful thing to draw because they are so colorful around the fall season. Driving down long streets in the fall, and looking at all the autumn colored leaves is a pretty powerful thing to appreciate and experience. I know many of you don’t think too much of autumn tree leaves, but the next time you drive around and your in a climate that enables you to experience all four seasons, look up at the trees and really stare at what your looking at with an open artistic mind. The beauty just overwhelms you and the colors actually make your senses more keen to the weather and all the smells of the new season. The same goes for snow covered trees, those too are an awesome thing to look at and draw as well. I have to get ready for live so I have to bounce out of this tutorial real quick. Have no fear though, I will be joining you guys real soon. Fun with this lesson that will teach you “"how to draw a leaf step by step”. Happy days guys and have fun!

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