How to Draw Anne Frank

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Start by making an egg like shape for Anne's head then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Here you will sketch out the shape of her face structure like so, and also incorporate the bangs or hairline.


Using the facial guidelines begin sketching out her eyebrows, and some of her nose. The eyebrows should be dark and or thick.


Continue on by drawing the shapes of Anne's eyes, then sketch out her nose. Draw the very friendly smile like so, as well as the smile lines on her cheeks.


Color in the pupils, then sketch out the crinkles, and creases around her eyes. Draw in her teeth and add some shading inside her mouth.


Lastly, draw out her hairstyle which is basically a bell shape style just above her shoulders. The outline of her hair should be wavy, color in Anne's hair solid, then sketch out her neck, shoulders, and shirt collar. Erase the mistakes then you're d   


Here is Anne Frank. Simple, full of life, and only fifteen. I hope you learned something new today, and I also hope you enjoyed drawing Anne Frank.

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February 3, 2013

Description: The story of Anne Frank; like I said yesterday, I will continue with giving you guys some lessons on famous German people that made a stain in world history. Up next, we will learn "how to draw Anne Frank", step by step. The story of Anne Frank is recognized throughout the world. There are books, plays and even a movie on her life experience when she was in hiding from the Nazi’s during World War II. Annelies Marie Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. She was the daughter to Otto and Edith Frank. She had one sister who was three years older than Anne named Margot. Anne was described as being a very chatty, outgoing girl that loved life and all that it had to offer. She came from an upper middle class German Jewish family that had also come from a long line of bankers. In March of 1933 when Hitler’s Nazi party won the elections, Otto began to worry about what would happen to his family once Hitler became more aggressive with his campaigns to ultimately dismantle all the Jewish families that where in Germany as well as other races that Hitler didn't seem fit to be part of his German race. As soon as Hitler got into office new laws where written in segregating anyone who was Jewish from going into restaurants, parks, sitting on park benches, and other ridiculous laws. Eventually Otto knew that he had to get his family out of Germany to protect them. He moved his wife and two daughters to Aachen. It was there that they stayed with Rosa Hollander who was Edith’s mother and Anne, and Margot’s grandmother. Otto Frank went to Amsterdam to start work and to make a new home for his family. In 1934 Edith, Anne, and Margot joined their father/husband in Amsterdam. The Frank family was just one of three hundred thousand families that fled Germany when Hitler came into office. Unfortunately Germany invaded the Netherlands and set up a new Government where new laws where written in enabling segregation, and mandatory registration of all Jewish families. Before Germany invaded Amsterdam, the frank sisters where excellent students and they also had many friends. When all the anti-Semitic laws became active, a decree followed. All Jewish children had to be pulled out of public schools and only attend Jewish schools. Right before Otto knew that his family would have to go into hiding, he presented his daughter with a diary in hopes she would use it as he knew how energetic and outspoken Anne was. Anne loved reading and writing, she used her new diary and began writing right away. She would talk about her life and what each day was like, but she also wrote about all the changes taking place associated with the German invasion or take over. On July 6, 1942 the Franks went into their hiding place which Anne described as a secret annex. Two years later on August 4, 1944, German police received a tip informing them of where there where “Jews” in hiding. On September 3, 1944 Anne and her sister Margot where transported to Auschwitz concentration camp. Anne and her sister where added to the work force because they were young and healthy. It was there that Anne continued to write in her diary talking about life as a prisoner as well as all the people that she met. She died at the age of fifteen along with her sister from Typhus. Otto soon learned that he had lost his entire family and once it was confirmed that his daughters where dead, Anne’s diary was returned to him. Her father Otto knew that Anne wanted her diary to be published one day, so because of that he published the book in 1947 called The Diary of a Young Girl. In 1959 a movie called “The Diary of Anne Frank” was released and received many reviews. This lesson on drawing Anne Frank is my tribute to all the Jewish families that where loved and lost. Anne’s story lives on by forever remembering what life was like for a young girl during the Holocaust where the genocide of six million Jewish took place. I have to go but I will return. So stick around and have fun on

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