How to Draw Wolverine Easy

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Draw in the head guide for Wolverine first which is in the form of a circle. Add the facial guide straight through like so.


Next, you will be drawing the bat wing like shapes of the mask that covers most of his cheeks and eyes. The mask should form points at the tips. Draw the square jaw structure, as well as Wolverine's very strong looking chin.


First thing you do here is draw out the rest of the mask which forms a wide shaped 'M'. Draw in the single mouth line as well as the frown marks on each side of his face. Sketch out the shapes of his eyes, and draw that wrinkle pinch between the eyes   


Finish drawing Wolverine easy by making the rest of the head shape, then draw the thick muscular looking neck and shoulders. You will need to sketch in some body or muscle detailing before you start cleaning things up.


Here is what the end results should look like when you are finished. Color this popular superhero in, and you're done.

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May 2, 2012

Description: So, how many of you love those X-Men movies, with Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, and Professor X? I know I haven't submitted too many X-Men based tutorials to draw in an easier way. Here I'll give you a basic step by step guide on "how to draw Wolverine easy". This guy got his long saber clawed hands by being injected with a special unbreakable metal into his entire skeleton. At the time, his slasher claws were apart of his skeleton system to begin with. Get yourself a pencil, paper, eraser, and this drawing guide to get started! Enjoy.

#how to draw x-men characters
1 - Super Cool
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