How to Draw Walt Disney, Walt Disney

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Begin with drawing the outlined shape of Walt's head. Sketch in the facial guidelines, then proceed to step two.


Using the guide you just made, begin sketching out the structure of his head and face. Be sure to add the ears, then draw the square lined chin.


Draw the eyebrows like so, then sketch out his eyes. As you can see Walt has a very friendly look and stare. Be sure to draw in the wrinkles or creases around the eyes, and also make sure that the top lids are drawn out. Sketch out the sides of the n   


His eyes are all drawn in. Now you can tackle sketching out the shape of his nose which sort of looks like a spear head. Lightly sketch out his manicured mustache, then draw in the great big smile. Add his teeth, then draw in the dimples around the    


You will now take it down a notch as you begin sketching out Walt Disney's soft, thin looking hair. His hair is combed back very neatly.


For the last step all you have to do is draw the shape of the neck, then sketch out his shirt collar, tie, and shoulders or jacket. Erase your mistakes and clean up the guides.


Here is Walt Disney when you are all done. Color him in, then show people what you have done. You can even test how well you did with your drawing. All you have to do is ask people who the man in the image is. If they guess Walt Disney and they actua   

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February 20, 2013

Description: I have a special tutorial to introduce with all of you today. In this fresh lesson, I'll be guiding you with easy steps on "how to draw Walt Disney", step by step. This man is responsible for the most popular cartoon films in the world (besides a few of Studio Ghibli films). It was pretty difficult to draw Walt's face and to keep his features in tact while I added color. I hope you guys will enjoy this one, and if you have any other requests on what famous face I should draw next, let me know! What's your favorite Disney movie? Have you ever been to Disney World? Do you get inspiration from Disney cartoons or Studio Ghibli animations? Let everyone know! Peace out and have fun, folks!

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