How to Draw the Rainbow

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Let's start by drawing the nice shapes of the eyes like you see here. The top lids should be darker than the lower lids. Add a nice single wing effect.


We will almost finish the eyes by drawing the upper lid crease or lid, then draw in the iris' and color in some pupils. Once that is done sketch in the eyelashes.


We will now draw out the nicely shaped eyebrows like so, then proceed to the last drawing step.


We will now draw the running makeup down the face coming from the eyes. When you color in your eyes to create the rainbow, this is where the layers of color will be added.


The finished sketch that I colored in without the rainbow is what you see here. I love this so much.

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July 22, 2015

Description: I know the title for this lesson or drawing is a bit confusing, but I really wanted to bring out the colors of the rainbow with this concept so that is why I am calling it how to draw the rainbow, step by step in the form of beautiful eyes. The colors that run down the face from the eye makeup is so stunning, it literally forms a rainbow. Out of all the eyes I have done in the past, this is probably one of my all time favorites. I love everything about this concept and I can't wait for you guys to have some drawing fun too as you draw the rainbow. Adios folks and stick around for more tuts coming your way.

#how to draw eyes #how to draw rainbows
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