How to Draw M Shadows, Avenged Sevenfold


Make a circle for the head then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Next, begin sketching out the actual structure and shape of Shadow's face, then incorporate the hairline which is shorter than his bandmates.


Continue on with sketching out his hairstyle and as you can see it is short and combed back. Sketch out the shape of his ears and then add detailing to his hair which will add texture.


Using the facial guidelines begin drawing the lining for his eyes, then draw in the nose, nostrils and mouth. Take your time so he comes out looking like himself.


Before finishing his eyes, sketch in the eyebrows which should also be drawn in an expressive manner. When that is done draw the rest of his eye shapes, then draw the top and bottom lip, followed by the lip ring and ear detailing.


Sketch out the shape of Shadow's neck, then draw in the shirt or sweater collar. You will also need to draw the detailing and definition on the base of the neck too.


For the last step all you have to do is sketch out the rest of the clothing which looks to be a bulky sweater of some sorts. Add the detailing to the clothing, then you are ready to erase the mistakes and guidelines.


Here is the line art of Shadows when you are all done. Now all you have to do is color him in.

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July 14, 2013

Description: I can't tell you how many requests I got for me to do a lesson on "how to draw M. Shadows", step by step. This performer is the lead singer for Avenged Sevenfold as well as the founding member and songwriter. His full real name is Matthew Charles Sanders, and he has been with Avenged Sevenfold since 1999. The band was formed with fellow schoolmates Zacky Vengeance, Jimmy Sullivan (also known as 'The Rev'), and Matt Wendt. After a majority of the band was formed, Synyster Gates hopped along and became the band's lead guitarist. He was the friend of Sullivan so I guess you could say that The Rev put in a good word for him. Anyways, drawing M. Shadows will be a very exciting lesson for all you Avenged Sevenfold fans. As you tackle this tut, I will be preparing my next submission. Adios people and enjoy.

#how to draw avenged sevenfold members
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