How to Draw Fang from Final Fantasy 13

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Start off by drawing the actual shape of the head then sketch in the shoulder or torso shape. Sketch in the facial, neck and arm guidelines.


Up next, sketch out the facial structure using the guides you made. Draw the parted bangs, then draw the hair that falls on the sides of her face.


Okay, now we will tackle the task of drawing in her pretty face starting with the eyebrows, eye shapes, then draw the nose and mouth. You will make the lining for her lips, then detail the eyes.


You will now continue to work on her hair. Draw in the back part of the head which is also her shaggy but neat styled hair. Draw in the ear, and back part of her neck too.


Sketch out the front part of the neck, then draw in the collar for her sleeveless hoodie sweater. Add detailing to the clothing, then you are done here.


Lastly, draw in the shape of her arm, then draw the tribal looking tattoo on the shoulder part of her arm. Erase your mistakes then you are done.


Here is the line art when you are done. Color in Fang to complete the lesson you tackled.

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July 4, 2013

Description: Hello folks, I'm back once again and with my return I bring three lessons. To start off, we will be learning "how to draw Fang from Final Fantasy", step by step. Fang is one of those interesting looking characters that you could look at all day. Her face is so pretty and she sort of reminds me of Cloud for some reason. I think it's the green colored eyes. I wanted to make this lesson on drawing Fang as simple as possible because there was a lot of requests for her. I do hope you enjoy this tut, and I also hope you keep the requests coming in. Adios amigos and good luck.

#how to draw final fantasy characters #how to draw final fantasy
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