How to Draw Ed Sheeran


You can start by drawing the circle for the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Using the facial head guide, sketch out the thick lining to form the structure of Ed's face. Notice the split on his chin.


Up next, sketch out parted hairstyle which should be thick, and very messy. Some of the hair is crawling on the sides of Ed's face as you see here.


Up next, finish the shape of Ed's hair and head by sketching out the rest of his messy hair. There should be layers of pointed strands that stick out.


Here we will start forming the shape of Ed's thick eyebrow and then his nose as you can see. When that is done move to step six where you will almost complete the face.


Instead of drawing the eyebrow, you will draw in his left eye instead. Thick, bold lining should be developed here.


Add the colored in nostril like so, then draw the mouth line and color in a gap for the chin detailing. To finish Ed's face off, add some freckles. Erase the guides and you are done.


Here is Ed Sheeran when you are done. Now you can color him in red, or a solid black like you see here.

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June 13, 2014

Description: So this lesson goes out to all you Ed Sheeran fans who have been waiting for an easy lesson that shows you "how to draw Ed Sheeran", step by step. Edward Christopher Sheeran is an English singer/songwriter who began his career at the rip old age of four when he started out performing in his local church as a choir boy. Soon after that he learned how to play the guitar and with his new musical skill, Ed started writing songs. Today he has worked with artist like Taylor Swift, and even wrote some songs for One Direction. Some of Ed Sheeran's more popular songs are The A Team, Sing, One, and some other popular ones including Give Me Love. I hope you guys like this lesson, I will be back in a bit with other tuts for you all so stick around.

#draw music #how to draw singers
1 - Super Cool
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