How to Draw Bro Fists


The first step should include two circles for the fists, then draw the guide lines for the arms.


Begin forming the first fist like so, and when you do this make sure to add the wrist as well.


Next up, draw fingers in a bend or curled in pose to create the fist.


Add a thumb, then draw the rest of the wrist.


You will draw in the second fist the same way you did the first one. They need to be touching in order to be in a bro fist greeting pose.


You will then draw the rest of the fingers in a curled pose, then proceed to step seven.


For the last step you need to draw the thumb and the rest of the arm. Erase the mistakes and you have finished.


That's it. Color in the bro fists, and you can show off this drawing to anyone you like.

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November 1, 2014

Description: You know how to draw the meme version of the Brofist, now it's time to actually learn "how to draw bro fists", step by step. There is no way to do things but to do them right. We all know when bros meet up they always have to give each other the fist bomb handshake. Anyways, this should be a very simple task to tackle especially since it's in a very cartoon like style concept. I do think folks will enjoy this tut on drawing hands in a popular gesture. I will be back in a bit so come back around or stay where you are.

#draw hands
1 - Super Cool
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