How to Draw an Ice Worm, Arctic Worm

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To start, draw the mouth guide shape and then draw in the guideline for the body.


You will now define the shape and opening of the mouth which is just a long hollow hole that travels down the stomach.


Fill inside the mouth with sharp teeth which seem to rim the inside of the mouth. When that is done draw the scale like shapes and then draw in the definition lines around the mouth as well.


We will begin drawing the body for the worm. This is going to be hairy and real messy or shaggy.


Draw the rest of the worm's body. When you do this you will add the layers of fluff or hair and then when you do that, you can proceed to step six.


To finish the lesson all you have to do is draw in the inside of the mouth. There should be a small hole and then draw the smaller pointed teeth on the inside of the mouth. Lastly, draw the snow which looks more like water because it's being hit so h   


When all is said and done your art should look like the drawing you see here. Now just color it in.

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December 30, 2015

Description: In this lesson I have something special. More than one person asked if I could make a tut on a worm from the Arctic regions of the world. Of course the worm in this lesson isn't real, but there are actual creatures that live in the Arctic that are called ice worms. So here is my buffed up version of a worm that you will find really cool to draw. Here is, how to draw an ice worm, step by step or an Arctic worm. If you look in Google images you will see all different kinds of Arctic worms and some are hairy, some are bald and some are just real gnarly. At least this lesson isn't going to be difficult to recreate so I do hope you will enjoy it. I shall return in a bit so stick around.

#how to draw creatures #how to draw worms
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