Egghead Jr. How to Draw,


Go ahead and draw out the shapes and guidelines.


Next, use those guides to draw out Egghead Jr's hat first and them some spurts of hair.


Draw the outline and shape of his face, as well as the neck and the ear pieces for the eyeglasses.


Draw in the face completely which should include the glasses.


You can now draw the torso in the form of a shirt.


Now draw out the arms, legs, and feet as well as the butt. Erase the mistakes and guides.


When you're done with your drawing, it should look like the one you see here. Now just color Egghead Jr in.

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February 23, 2024

Description: Hey, there people. Here is another lesson on a Looney Tunes character I know most folks will know and love. Today I will show you how to draw Egghead Jr., step by step. This cute little chick is often seen with Foghorn Leghorn and is somewhat of a smart chicken. I remember the episodes where he always has a book in his hand and often creates inventions. Anyway, have fun with drawing Egghead Jr. I will return with a couple more tuts for you all.

#how to draw looney tunes #how to draw looney tunes characters #egghead jr drawings #egghead jr artwork #egghead jr fanart
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