Tendi, How to Draw Star Trek Lower Decks


Okay, go ahead and start with the guidelines and shapes like you see here.


For the second step we will tackle Tendi's head and hair shape as well as the left ear.


Next, use the facial guidelines to draw out the round eyes, eyebrows, and then the rest of her face shape. Color in the bold lashes and pupils.


We will complete her face by giving her a nose and mouth. When that is done let's start the drawing process for the lower body which is also the design of her uniform. Start with the shoulders and work your way with the stripes.


Lastly, draw the buttons on the side of the neck and then the rest of the flap. You will also draw the arms and the Star Ship Enterprise badge on her chest. Erase the mistakes and you're done.


When you are finished your Tendi drawing should look like the one you see here.

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March 14, 2024

Description: Hello, hello folks. I hope everyone is doing well out there in the Dragoart world. I will be filling requests today with the first being how to draw Tendi, step by step from Star Trek Lower Decks. I don't know anything about this character, but if you are going to tackle the lesson, then I suppose you do. Have fun and let me know what else you would like to see here on the site that isn't already available to learn from.

#how to draw star trek lower decks characters #how to draw star trek lower decks #tendi drawing #tendi drawings #tendi fanart
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