Brad Boimler, How to Draw Star Trek Lower Decks


Go ahead and draw out the guidelines and shapes for Brad.


Here you will use the guides to draw out the start of his hair line along with the shapes of the eyes and brows.


Finish his head shape which is also the hairstyle and when that is complete you can draw in the shape of his face, ear, nose and mouth. Don't forget the collar line.


Next, draw the left shoulder and uniform lining.


Now you can draw the right shoulder and the rest of the torso shape which includes the lining for the arms. Erase the mistakes and guides.


That's it, you are all done. Now you can color Brad Boimler in from Star Trek Lower Decks.

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March 27, 2024

Description: Well guys, here is my second character from Star Trek Lower Decks. Up next you will learn how to draw Brad Boimler, step by step. Again, I know nothing about Lower Decks or the characters. All I can do is show you how to draw your favorite Lower Decks characters. Anyways, have fun, and let me know what else you would like to see here on Dragoart.

#how to draw star trek lower decks characters #how to draw star trek lower decks #brad boimler drawing #brad boimler drawings #brad boimler fanart
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