How to Draw a Cute Fox


There is also a bird in this lesson who is resting upon the back of the fox. You will begin by drawing the guides for the head and body of the animal then draw a circle for the birds head guide.


Using the larger circle you made for the fox, begin sketching out the structure for the head along with the ears and fluffy cheeks.


In this step we will draw out the fox's eyes. They should be big, bold and very friendly looking. Add some lashes too for that cute appeal.


To finish the fox's face just draw in the snout. This includes the nose, jowls, lips, chin, and whiskers. Add detailing to the left ear like so, then proceed to step five.


We can now tackle the bird. Just draw small hook shape followed by the birds beak. As you can see this bird is holding a jewel in it's mouth.


Draw in the birds eyes like so, then move to step seven.


Almost done folks. Draw in the birds body which is the wings, feet and some of the chest.


We will focus our attention on the fox now by drawing the neck, fluffy hair on the chest, then draw in the back, thigh and tail which curls to the front of the body.


Finish drawing your cute fox by drawing the front legs and big paws. Also draw in the chest and the other back leg as well. Erase the mistakes and guides.


Here is the finished drawing when you are all done. Now you can have a blast choosing colors to shade in your cute fox and bird with.

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April 23, 2014

Description: When was the last time that I did a tut on how to draw a cute fox? Well according to my records I haven't done a fox tutorial in a long time so this one goes out to all you fans out there that love the fox as an animal. Instead of going with a darker colored fox, I colored in this vixen with lighter shades of brown until the animal came out a light tan color. Drawing foxes is always fun so I know that a lot of you will enjoy this lesson on drawing a cute fox.

#how to draw foxes #fox drawing
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