Draw a Chibi Pomeranian

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Make two round shapes with the one for the body being more oval than round. Sketch in the facial guides as well.


Up next, use the head guide shape you just made to draw in the structure of your chibi Pomeranian's head. As you can see the head is fluffy which is conveyed by the spiked outer lining. Don't forget the ears too.


Using the facial guides, color in two round dots for the eyes, then draw the nose and mouth. Before leaving step three you can also add some fluff on the puppy dog's chest.


Here we will draw out the entire body starting from the left with the front leg, to the right with the other front leg. The shoulder is puffy with the long coat. When that is done draw the back end and belly.


We will now end this lesson by drawing the extremely puffy tail. Erase the mistakes followed by the guides.


Here is the line art. Choose a color for your Pomeranian. Mine was black but I chose a brownish tan for this doggie.

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February 14, 2016

Description: I got a request to do more chibi animals and one of the animals that someone wanted was a chibi Pomeranian so here it is. How to draw a chibi Pomeranian, step by step is probably one of the easiest puppy dogs you will draw. These dogs are so adorable even if they are ankle bitters. To me, I call all small dogs ankle bitter because since they are so small, the only thing they can sink their teeth into are your shoes, ankles or even calves. Anyways, I once had one of these dogs when I was about four years old. It was all black and her name was Princess. Unfortunately Princess was hit by a car and died almost instantly. It was one of the saddest days of my life and I will never forget it. If you have a Pomeranian cherish him/her because you never know when they are gonna go. Enjoy the lesson and be sure to stick around because there is one more tut for me to submit.

#how to draw dogs
1 - Super Cool
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