Deadpool Heart Drawing Tutorial

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Start with a simple heart shape. Your heart can be of any size, shape or style. I chose a fat, wide heart so Deadpool's eyes fit nicely inside without looking squished together.


Next, draw two almond like shapes for where the eyes will be drawn inside. Add the marks above each eye which stretch to the edge of the outer heart lining.


Lastly, draw the eyes. The left eye is in a winking pose and the right eye is open. I tried to showcase Deadpool's expression with the eyes and I think I was successful. Erase whatever mistakes you made.


Here is the line art, now just grab your black and red coloring tools to add some life to your Deadpool heart.

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April 4, 2017

Description: Everyone loves Deadpool and because of this I wanted to go ahead and make a lesson that shows my love for the funny, charismatic comic book figure that is making an even bigger name for himself. Today, we will do something simple and that is the task of drawing a Deadpool heart, step by step. This is just a simple lesson that is shaped like a basic heart. What makes this heart different are the eyes on the inside that resemble Deadpool's eyes. Anyone can have fun with this tut even if you have never drawn before. So celebrate Valentine's Day by drawing this heart for the one you love. I will be back with another lesson so stick around to see what it is.

#how to draw hearts #how to draw deadpool characters
1 - Super Cool
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