Masha from Tokyo Mew Mew

Masha from Tokyo Mew Mew
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May 27, 2012

To be honest i wouldn't have thought of drawing this little guy until i saw the tut on him. So well the Tokyo Mew Mew loving girl in me just had to draw it. For those who don't know this cute little robotic puffball, he is from a Manga/ Anime series called Tokyo Mew Mew (though it can also be known as Mew Mew Power) He hangs around Ichigo (Zoe in the English anime) who changed his name from R200 to Masha which is a shortened version of her boyfriend's name, Masaya (Mark in the English Anime). Masha is really cute and warns the mew girls of danger with his 'predicite alerts' Anyways i had a lot of fun drawing the little guy and was pleased with how he turned out!

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